“How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?”

How do you know if she wants you to talk to her… What are the clues?

When you see an attractive woman, do you find yourself delaying and thinking…

“How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?”

If you don’t talk to a woman you feel attracted to, you’ll never know what could have happened — what sparks could have flown and what adventures you could have shared!

So let’s change that together today.


Woman in Hat - How to know if she wants you to talk to herHow to know if she wants you to talk to her

Today, I’m giving you three points to unpack this, based on what one of our dating coaching clients shared with us:

“A big thing I’d like to get better at is understanding cues, like understanding if someone wants me to talk to them or if they’re receptive to it. How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her? And then on the flip side, trying to pick up better if she is just like, ‘Don’t bother.'”

He essentially answered his own, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” question throughout the conversation.

I divided everything he discovered into three main points centering around the interview-interviewee analogy he came up with.

(This is an analogy I’ve heard many of you use before, which is one reason why I was so excited to write and share this with you!).

Here are three reliable, logical ways you can use the interviewer-interviewee analogy in the heat of the moment.

These will help you successfully sort the question, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” … and then do something about it.

In order to increase your confidence dramatically throughout talking with her, download this free ebook on finding your uniquely attractive vibe.


Woman at Computer - How to know if she wants you to talk to her1: Differentiate quality.

Introverted Alpha Principle: Differentiate between a potentially desirable woman versus an unpleasant situation altogether.

Interviewer/Interviewee Analogy: Differentiate between companies.

From our client in a phone call:

“A couple of years ago, I started improving my health and fitness more. 

“I was thinking of killing two birds with one stone and going to a pilates class once a week where I could potentially meet women too. But I’m not sure, do women want to be talked to there?

It’s only true that a woman doesn’t want you to talk to her when she is either…

  • (a) pleasant but in a hurry, or
  • (b) just not a pleasant person or in a pleasant mood.

If she’s (a) pleasant but in a hurry, you’ll see that overall, she looks kind and open, but that right now she’s moving quickly and seems very focused. That’s not a good time to approach her.

In the interviewer/interviewee analogy, she’s not “taking applications right now.”

If she’s (b) unpleasant in general, you can tell right away. She will have a more rigid, uptight demeanor and will seem cold.

In this case, there’s no need to talk to her at all because what could you possibly get out of it?

(I’m assuming you’re an easygoing, good-natured guy who values the same qualities in women.)

Here was our client’s response to this:

“That makes a lot of sense because if she’s complaining or cold, that’s not a good person to be with anyway. You can tell that from the get-go.

“For example, am I going to spend a weekend with this girl if she’s a complainer? It’s gonna drive me crazy.

“Same thing with a company I might interview for: if the company has process problems or issues with their product, that would be frustrating.”



Quality Takeaway:

Woman or a company — if they’re obviously not the whole package, who cares if they’re “taking applications” or not?

The question, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” becomes irrelevant because you don’t want to get close to them anyway.

You can tell whether this is the case based on their general vibe. Sometimes you can see it from the start, and sometimes you need to apply/interview to find out.

For example, there are a lot of apps I use to run Introverted Alpha.

If an app’s website feels outdated or tacky, I know immediately the services aren’t what I want to work with anyway.

If you want to see some really beautiful, elegant apps, check out Copper, Zapier, SamCart, and Google Apps for Work.

Compare any of those to average companies, and you’ll see the difference right away on their home pages. In my experience, that difference carries through the entire quality of the experience.

The same is true with any company or person.

So it’s not only a matter of,

“How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her,”


“How can I tell if I want to talk to her?”


Man Woman Working - - How to know if she wants you to talk to her2: “Fill your funnel” with eligible women.

Introverted Alpha Principle: You have to “fill your funnel” with eligible women if you want to find a great one.

Interviewer/Interviewee Analogy: Apply for the job!

From our client in a phone call:

“I compare finding a potential partner to a job search. I don’t want to call it an interview per se, but I do have a lot of experience applying for positions and interviewing with companies.

“Interviewing might even be good practice in general of being brave and going up and talking to someone even if it flames out. It’s like ‘applying to a position.’”


Funnel Takeaway:

When it comes to approaching a woman who does seem to be open and pleasant and then answering, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” you can think of it in those terms of applying for a position.

Some companies are taking applications for some positions and not others: a contractor, short term hire, but maybe not a project manager, for example.

In the case of a woman, her openness to you depends on which “applications she has open”:

  • Is she single and wants to meet new people?
  • Is she single and wants to find her future life partner?
  • Or is she not single but loves a great conversation?

At the same time, maybe she is single, but it’s for a position that you’re not a good fit to fill.

Maybe her preferences are slightly different from what’s “on your resume.”

That said, if she’s a “desirable company,” she is bound to have some position open, even if it’s just for a brief and pleasant chat.

So when you ask yourself, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” remember that she’s potentially open to chatting even if she’s not single.

Everyone loves to meet great new people.

As long as she’s pleasant, she’s going to value connecting with people who are great, even if she’s not “hiring” right now.

Whenever you ask yourself, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” thinking about it as “filling your job market funnel” helps to normalize the situation.

It calms down the electric charge of the whole process so you can actually just go talk to her.


Woman at Desk - How to know if she wants you to talk to her3: If it doesn’t progress, that’s okay!

Introverted Alpha Principle: You might not end up getting her number or going on a date, and that’s okay!

Interviewer/Interviewee Analogy: You might not end up “choosing to work with each other,” and that’s okay.

Being in touch with that before and during an interview or first conversation with a woman helps to remind you of your standards, which makes you more confident.

From our client:

“Sometimes when I see a job description, it looks good on paper. Then as I get to know them better through the interview process, sometimes I know this place is just not going to work for me — even though things look good from the outside.

“I’m looking for a particular kind of woman. She might be physically attractive, but if the overall chemistry isn’t there, it’s not going to work.

“If I don’t talk to women, I’m not giving myself the chance to ‘apply for a position.’ They may not be the right person for me anyway, but at least I owe it to myself to get to that point.”


End Result Takeaway:

Just as with applying for a job, sometimes they might reach out to you. Maybe you’ve been recruited, but most of the time, you apply.

The ball is in your court.

Similarly, some women will approach you, but you will still be doing most of the approaching. It’s up to you to “fill the funnel.”

One of you might bow out before the other.

That’s okay because at least you’ve given yourself the opportunity to see whether or not it is a potential fit.


Also… Interpret Signs of Interest When Meeting Women

There are so many subtle signs women share as to whether they are interested or not.

If you have felt challenged with approach anxiety and/or have been looking for obvious approach invitations as the only sign or only reason you’d ever dream of to approach women…

Then this will be helpful for you whether you’re meeting a woman in person, or if you’re on a first date from online dating (when you’re just getting to know someone for the first time in person).

Depending on the time of day (day or night) and the setting (coffee shop or bar), she’ll be less or more flirtatious with you (generally less during the day at the coffee shop and more at night at the bar).


Here are some signs to be aware of:

  • First glance: At first glance out of the corner of your eye, does she seem to be open and relatively relaxed (which signals she’d be more open to meeting you, compared to stressed or with earphones on)?
  • Eye contact: When you make eye contact with her, how does she respond? Does she hold eye contact with you (good), look away shyly and happily (also good), or does
  • Body language: How are her body language cues… does she have open body language, does she warm to your touch, or perhaps even make the first move towards more intimacy (her hand on your knee, etc)?
  • Small talk: What about small talk… are y’all smoothly overcoming any awkward silences, and can you feel the sexual tension in the air?

Go here for good signs she wants you to make a move.


Blonde Woman Smiling - How to know if she wants you to talk to herFrom, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her?” to a conversation:

In addition to asking, “How can I tell if she wants me to talk to her,” you might also be asking yourself something else:

“What do I have to bring to the table once I do ‘apply’? What about me can spark sexual chemistry with her?” (You can discover much more about this here.)


To find that out, check out our top resource for introverted men:

Our complimentary ebook on finding your own uniquely attractive vibe. 

This ebook (namely the exercise on page 8) is a very similar process to putting your resume together. It’s wise to know what you’re working with so you can present it as attractively as possible.

To get your own “resume” together and start “interviewing” for the right positions/women for you, download the ebook here.


Or consider enrolling our help 1:1…

Together, we can go beyond general dating advice and actually make an in-depth plan for you.

Your own Introverted Alpha Dating Coach will pay close attention to your needs and help you develop high standards for your life overall and your dating life. Then she’ll help you attract women accordingly.

Some men go their entire lives without fully considering how wonderful life could be when they expand past any “nice guy” limitations and embrace their full Benevolent Badass nature.

Let’s not have you be one of them! You can enlist our help, as we love working with intelligent introverted men on dating skills, attraction, and self-actualization. Learn more here.

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Introverted Alpha
Introverted Alpha was born in June 2014, to serve introverted clients who wanted to bring out their unique best. Since inception, we’ve gotten to support hundreds of 1:1 clients and thousands of men overall build social and dating fluency. Happily, those are skills, not innate personality traits! As you develop genuine confidence and learn key skills, you become a true Benevolent Badass: connecting with others as a win-win. By showcasing your uniquely attractive vibe, you start to naturally attract beautiful kindhearted women who are better for knowing you.

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts with Finding Your Own Vibe.

Introverted Alpha Ebook

In this powerful free 22-page ebook, “Why PUA Doesn’t Work for Introverts And What Works Instead,” you will uncover… 

–> 3-step exercise to find what makes you uniquely attractive

–> Why the “pickup artist” approach will never work for introverts and what works instead

–> How to attract women naturally being your best self

"I love how personalized and caring you guys are at Introverted Alpha! It's so wholesome and refreshing." - I.L.

"I especially like how you’re a strong alternative to short-term, shallow PUA tactics." - K.K.

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Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts With Finding Your Own Vibe.

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