48 Subtle Signs a Woman Likes You, and What to Do About It

What are the most common signs a woman likes you?

If you’re an introverted man who has ever googled “signs a woman likes you,” you’ve come to the right place!

Do you also second-guess your skills when it comes to…

  • Reading a woman’s flirtatious cues,
  • Deciphering what she really means, and
  • Interpreting her communication into the language of attraction (or lack thereof)?

Figuring all of this out is especially difficult because it feels so personal.

On one hand, you definitely don’t want to wrongly assume that she likes you, act on that information, and have to deal with the awkward moment that follows…

And on the other hand, you don’t want to ignore the obvious signs a woman likes you and miss out on an opportunity to form a deeper connection, either!

Sound familiar? Many of our introverted clients and readers feel the same way, so you’re in good company.

That’s why we’re sharing the signs a woman likes you and what to do about it.

Today we’ll explore the signs based on their context:

  • Texting,
  • First dates,
  • If she’s shy, and
  • Body language.

By the end of this post, you’ll be able to figure out whether or not to escalate your connection to the next level based on these common signs a woman likes you!


The #1 thing you can do to make more women like you

When you grow your confidence, then you’ll find that more women like you… and after you put in the hard work of developing that confidence, it will feel somewhat… dare we say… effortless.

Although confidence is a fun buzz word, the process of actually building it (and building it authentically to who you are) is much more complicated.

Want to know our proven trick to building confidence genuinely and sustainably?

You first need to find out what is attractive about you.

That’s exactly what this free 22-page ebook helps you with!

It’s called “Why PUA Doesn’t Work For Introverts & What Works Instead” – don’t forget to download it now so you can circle back after you read this post!

Now, let’s dive in! 


1. 9 signs a woman likes you over text

Although online messages and texting threads can feel complicated, it doesn’t have to feel like rocket to pick up on the signs a woman likes you.

Here are 9 helpful signs:

  1. She initiates conversation,
  2. Her tone seems playful,
  3. She sometimes sends a few messages at once,
  4. She’s using some emojis, memes, or gifs,
  5. Her responses come relatively quickly,
  6. She compliments you,
  7. She asks you questions,
  8. She sends you pictures, and
  9. She enjoys teasing you periodically.

For a complete breakdown of each of these 9 signs a woman likes you, check out this article: 9 Flirtatious Signs She Likes You Via Text.


2. 22 signs a woman likes you on the first date

We wrote a very in-depth post on this topic, so we’ll share a few of our favorites here:

  1. Her emotions seem heightened (it may look like she’s super relaxed and comfortable or she’ll be a little more anxious, depending on how she’s wired),
  2. You are the center of her attention,
  3. She’s actively engaged in the conversation,
  4. You both naturally volunteer some personal information,
  5. She lightheartedly teases you (and likes it when you do the same), and
  6. There’s an intense moment of lingering at the end of the date (which already lasted much longer than you had planned).

Curious about the other 16 tips? For the complete list, check out this post: 22 Signs She’s Into You On A First Date.


3. Signs a woman likes you if she’s shy

Introverted women can be particularly difficult to read as they keep their cards close. Here are some signs a woman likes you, especially if she’s an introvert!


  • Gives you opportunities to make the first move,
  • Starts meaningful conversations with you,
  • Acts a bit differently around you,
  • Watches you when she isn’t by you,
  • Shows interest subtly through body language,
  • Takes action to show affection, and
  • Gravitates toward you in social settings.

For the full explanation of each of these more introverted signs that a woman likes you, read this post: How Do Introverts Flirt? 7 Signs To Look For In Shy Women.


4. Signs a woman likes you based on her body language

These body language signs can help you pick up on a woman’s flirtatious hints. She…

  • Maintains an open stance toward you.
  • Moves objects that are between you subtly out of the way.
  • Gravitates toward you in social settings.
  • Does something for you without you asking her to.
  • Touches you gently.
  • Pulls her chair closer to yours.
  • Twirls her hair absentmindedly.
  • Warms to your touch, seeming to melt into it or absorb it.
  • Mirrors your body language subconsciously.
  • Goes in for a hug when you’re about to part ways.

Want to learn more about how you can see the signs that a woman likes you based on her facial expressions and her eye contact? Don’t miss this post:
“Are You Flirting With Me?” How To Read A Woman’s Signals.


Final thoughts: Signs a woman likes you

Woman Smiling - Signs A Woman Likes YouNow that you know how to read the signs a woman likes you, you’ll be able to discern the next best steps in your situation.


Your Next Steps

Here’s what to do next to make sure your dating and leadership skills keep improving:

Remember to download our free ebook, “Why PUA Doesn’t Work for Introverts & What Works Instead” to build your dating skills on an unshakable foundation of confidence!


For more personalized support, consider our Launch Your Dating Life program.

Thanks to this program, many of our clients have gone from ZERO DATES to having a GIRLFRIEND (!!!) in a matter of weeks or months.

Now is the time for your dating life to shine!

Discover how to launch your very own dating life today.


Picture of Micayla from IA
Micayla from IA
Micayla is resident writer here at Introverted Alpha, which is known as the premier dating coaching company for introverted men; featured by Forbes, Business Insider, Cosmo, and more. Pick up your free copy of our 22-page ebook inside the blue box just below.

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts with Finding Your Own Vibe.

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–> 3-step exercise to find what makes you uniquely attractive

–> Why the “pickup artist” approach will never work for introverts and what works instead

–> How to attract women naturally being your best self

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