Men: Attract an Amazing Woman by Bringing Out Your Unique Best, Even if You’re Shy or Inexperienced.

Laughing Piggyback Couple - Dating Coach for Men - Introverted Alpha

Introverted Alpha has been Seen In…

Introverted Alpha is the premier dating coaching company for men who are thoughtful and analytical by nature.

Since 2014, we have coached over 600 1:1 clients, and now we are here to help you…

  • be and feel attractive,
  • meet and connect with great women, and
  • go on awesome dates

So you can attract an amazing girlfriend, even if you have little to no experience with dating or relationships. You already have what it takes. Our job as your dating coach is to bring out your best so women can see why they’d want to date you!

Let’s build your confidence and know-how, so you can have the woman of your dreams next to you for the rest of your life. 

What Guys Are Saying About Introverted Alpha

"I struggled thinking pick-up was the only thing out there, until I found your website. I find myself agreeing with everything I’ve read of yours."
"Your work comes off as so honest and sincere... You want the best for us men (and the women in our lives!)."
"What you guys are sharing is so great and stimulating! I could never imagine that dating would be so sharply broken down to a science."

Listen to audio client reviews and read hundreds of written reviews, complete with touching and exciting stories:

Let's Launch Your Dating Life!

Our dedicated IA Coaches are ready to help you find your unique attractiveness, meet awesome women, and go on fun dates:

So tell us about your background, challenges, and goals, so we can make a game plan for your unique situation. We’ll be in touch soon with next steps, based on what you share. Can’t wait to learn more about you!

if she doesn't text back does that mean she's not interested

Latest Articles

Free Dating Resources

22-Page Ebook

Find out what makes you uniquely attractive in this fun, easy-to-read ebook!

Dating Skills Assessment

Where do your dating skills currently fall, within 4 buckets? Find out here.

Your Alpha Archetype

What is your unique archetype? Take this fun quiz to find out!

Your Fastest Path To Success Is A 1:1 Clarity Consult

If you know you have a lot to offer in a relationship, and you desire to change, let’s talk.

A thoughtful system would provide you with both a plan and accountability that will help you see the results you’re after, compared to dabbling in different podcasts and articles that aren’t tailored specifically to you.

As far as next steps, we would be happy to get on the phone for a Clarity Consult to discuss a plan for you moving forward.

In your Clarity Consult, we will cover four main points:

  1. What you most want in your dating life and future relationship, as well as this current wave of your life in general.

  2. What skills you most want to build.

  3. Your biggest challenges at the moment, as well as your biggest strengths we can leverage.

  4. The road forward. We’ll discuss options and see whether working with Introverted Alpha specifically makes sense right now, and if so, in what capacity.

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, select a time in our calendar below:

Shy? Inexperienced? That’s okay. You are completely capable of attracting women naturally by bringing out your best self. 

Lay a foundation of confidence, develop your leadership, and set the stage for an exciting, fulfilling relationship through our 12-week high-touch coaching program, Launch Your Dating Life.

Here’s a taste of the adventure ahead of you: 

  • Begin finding love through successful dating relationships, starting either online or in your daily life.
  • Learn how to optimize your online dating profile to find good matches. 
  • Approach women in a way that feels comfortable in person. 
  • Plan and enjoy ideal dates!

As one of the awesome introverted guys who’ve found Introverted Alpha, there’s a good chance you are already in tune with your thoughts and feelings, which is a nuance that intelligent women look for when choosing men to date. 

All you need now is dating advice and coaching to help you attract women naturally by bringing out your unique best! 

That’s why we love offering the personalized guidance and dating tips introverted men need to successfully navigate all aspects of dating that are outside of their comfort zones, whether in our 1:1 coaching program or in all the free materials you can find on our blog, in our ebook, on Instagram, and on YouTube!

Once you embrace your wonderfully introverted personality type and your unique attractiveness as an introverted man, just like your fellow Introverted Alphas, you’ll learn how introvert dating can be fun and fruitful!

We are an oasis for goodhearted men who are analytical and logical by nature: engineers, business owners, honest men who are used to solving problems in a linear way.

Introverted Alpha was born in June 2014, to serve introverted clients who wanted to bring out their unique best. Since inception, we’ve gotten to support hundreds of 1:1 clients and thousands of men overall build social and dating fluency. Happily, those are skills, not innate personality traits!

As you develop genuine confidence and learn key skills, you become a true Benevolent Badass: connecting with others as a win-win. By showcasing your uniquely attractive vibe, you start to naturally attract beautiful kindhearted women who are better for knowing you.
Through Launch Your Dating Life, dating coaching program for men, you will soon start to be and feel sexually attractive; meet and connect with great women; get numbers and go on dates.

Phase 1. Be and Feel Sexually Attractive 
Learn what is uniquely sexually attractive about you. Showcase that in your presentation online and in-person.

Phase 2. Meet & Connect with Great Women
Meet the right women for you in the right places for you. Make easy, natural connections that feel great for both of you.

Phase 3. Get Numbers and Go on Dates
When getting numbers feels natural, going on dates is simply the next step for both of you to explore a connection. 

Since 2014, Introverted Alpha has been the leading dating coach for men, and we love supporting introverted men around the world.

Ready to get started?

Click “Schedule Your Clarity Consult” below and find a time to connect, so we can learn more about you and map out your best path forward, given your current situation, challenges, strengths, and goals: 

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Schedule a call with us to improve your dating life immediately.

Couple In Love - IA Academy - Introverted Alpha

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts With Finding Your Own Vibe.

In this powerful free 22-page ebook, "Why PUA Doesn't Work for Introverts And What Works Instead," you will uncover...


--> A 3-step exercise to find what makes you uniquely attractive
--> Why the “pickup artist” approach will never work for introverts and what works instead

--> How to attract women naturally being your best self

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