Explore All Programs at Introverted Alpha
What's Your Next Step to Attracting Women Naturally and Building Deep-Down Confidence as an Introverted Man?
Whether you want to focus on dating or self development, or prefer a fully customized approach or an independent self-study, we’ve got you covered! See all program options below…
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Coaching Programs
Excellent for those looking for fast, sustainable results via 1:1 support and a strong implementation framework.
Launch Your Dating Life
Be and feel attractive, meet and connect with great women, and get numbers & go on dates.
Format: 12 Weeks of Modules
Plus Your Personal 1:1 Coach, 12 Sessions
Investment: $4,997
3, 6, and 12 month installment options available
Become A Benevolent Badass
Find your true north, bring out your best around others, and become an intentional social leader.
Format: 12 Weeks of Modules
Plus Your Personal 1:1 Coach, 12 Sessions
Investment: $4,997
3, 6, and 12 month installment options available
Self Study Programs
Perfect for those wanting to learn at their own pace in a self-study format.
Magnetic Confidence
Become attractive to quality women, replace “nice guy” patterns with genuine strength, and develop an unshakable sense of self.
Format: Self-Paced; Self-Study
Investment: $497
First Touch To First Kiss
The 10-step seamless sequence to earning her trust, building chemistry, and always knowing what to do next.
Format: Self-Paced; Self-Study
Investment: $497
Our Approach at Introverted Alpha
As a team of women who love men, we firmly believe (and have seen, since 2014!) this truth:
Men who are more linear and logical by nature can absolutely attract women naturally. We will show you how to become more confident, genuinely attractive, and skilled in your own unique way, by becoming more of yourself and not less.
Our clients love how special they feel (and are!) to us as individuals. We can’t wait to care for you just the same. :) That’s the whole point around here! To love you into your greatness.
As you pick your next step above, here are some helpful considerations:
- Are you at a point where you know you’d benefit from 1:1 guidance? If that’s the case, explore our flagship options: Launch Your Dating Life (for more dating-focused) or Become A Benevolent Badass (for more social leadership-focused).
- Are you a student or do you have tighter financial considerations? If that’s the case, check out our self-study options! Magnetic Confidence is fantastic for developing a strong sense of self, and First Touch To First Kiss gives you everything you need for moving things along chemistry-wise.
- Are you somewhere in the middle? If you’re curious about Launch Your Dating Life but you want a more “toes in the water” approach, check out Virtually Irresistible. And if you geek out on personality typing like we do, the Enneagram Program is a must-have for understanding yourself better than ever.
Get In Touch with Any Questions!
We’d love to hear from you and help however we can. :)
Or email us at team@introvertedalpha.com.

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts with Finding Your Own Vibe.
In this powerful free 22-page ebook, “Why PUA Doesn’t Work for Introverts And What Works Instead,” you will uncover…
- 3-step exercise to find what makes you uniquely attractive
- Why the “pickup artist” approach will never work for introverts and what works instead
- How to attract women naturally being your best self
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