Refreshing dating coaching for Thoughtful, introverted men

Attract women naturally, without being someone you’re not. Download our free 22-page ebook on finding your uniquely attractive vibe.
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Our Story

Why We Exist

Our story

Why we exist

Hi, I’m Sara, owner of Introverted Alpha: an oasis for goodhearted men who are analytical and logical by nature: engineers, business owners, honest men who are used to solving problems in a linear way.

Introverted Alpha was born after the original founder did dating coaching at another company and saw how there wasn’t customized, in-depth support for introverted men anywhere.  

So she developed it. At Introverted Alpha, we help men build social and dating fluency. Happily, those are skills, not innate personality traits. Discovering and bringing out your unique vibe helps women see and enjoy you for who you are.

The reason things feel so good around here is that, in time, you become a Benevolent Badass: devoted to freedom and to the win-win. By showcasing your unique best, you start to naturally attract genuinely beautiful women who are drawn to you and better off for it.

Our Programs

We help smart introverted men self-actualize in their dating and social lives. Listen to clients’ audio reviews, or visit the program pages below.

Couple lying down on a roof - Launch Your Dating Life - Introverted Alpha

Launch Your Dating Life

Develop your unique attractiveness, fill your dating funnel, and set the stage for an exciting, fulfilling relationship.

Man in Ocean - Dating Relationship Standards Introverted Alpha

Become A Benevolent Badass

Become a true Benevolent Badass, feel relaxed and at ease socially, and become a leader in your own rite.

What People Say About Us

"I struggled thinking pick-up was the only thing out there, until I found your website. I find myself agreeing with everything I’ve read of yours."
"Your work comes off as so honest and sincere... You want the best for us men (and the women in our lives!)."
"What you guys are sharing is so great and stimulating! I could never imagine that dating would be so sharply broken down to a science."

Find Your Own Unique Vibe

Discover what makes you naturally attractive in this 22-page ebook PDF, for free.

"I went through the ebook this week, and it was truly enlightening... not just in how I'm attractive to women, but also in a what's important to me as a man and human being." - J.O.

"I especially like how you’re a strong alternative to short-term, shallow PUA tactics." - K.K.

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Couple In Love - IA Academy - Introverted Alpha

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts With Finding Your Own Vibe.

In this powerful free 22-page ebook, "Why PUA Doesn't Work for Introverts And What Works Instead," you will uncover...


--> A 3-step exercise to find what makes you uniquely attractive
--> Why the “pickup artist” approach will never work for introverts and what works instead

--> How to attract women naturally being your best self

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