Welcome to the IA Enneagram Program!

This will be an epic 8-week journey…

Weeks 1-4 are focused on your inner life, and weeks 5-8 are about relationships!

Additional Supportive Materials:

Class Transcripts

Go to your Class transcripts.

Class Slide Decks

Go to your Class slide decks.

Need anything? Email us at team@introvertedalpha.com

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Before You Go...

Schedule a call with us to improve your dating life immediately.

Couple In Love - IA Academy - Introverted Alpha

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts With Finding Your Own Vibe.

In this powerful free 22-page ebook, "Why PUA Doesn't Work for Introverts And What Works Instead," you will uncover...


--> A 3-step exercise to find what makes you uniquely attractive
--> Why the “pickup artist” approach will never work for introverts and what works instead

--> How to attract women naturally being your best self

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